How long will it take to get my order?

Typically, orders are prepared in 1-2 days and then shipped out via UPS or USPS directly to you which can add between 4-7 days. A recent example is an order placed on a Saturday received all the items by Thursday.

During Holiday seasons, we will alert you to any important shipping cut-off dates.

How can I change my order once it has been placed?

We are unable to edit orders once they have been placed. However, we are happy to work directly with you to determine the best next steps. Please email us at hello@thebluefogpantry.com

What is your Return/Refund policy?

We have a 30-day Return Policy – you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return/refund. The quickest way to start the process is to email us at hello@thebluefogpantry.com.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept American Express, Diner’s Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Meta Pay and Shop Pay. 

Where do you ship?

Currently, we only ship within the United States. However, we are looking to expand that in 2023.

Do you offer local delivery, or can I pick up my item if I am in San Francisco?

Unfortunately, neither of these options are currently offered.

Is fog really blue?

Yes. Yes, it is. Fog and mist, being made of water vapor, tend to appear as a cool color, even blueish at times. And in San Francisco, we are on a first name basis with the fog who goes by Karl.